Let's consider the general settings of the script.

- Name - the system name of the script. It cannot be changed if the script is already used in other scripts.
- Title - script name, which will be displayed everywhere, where the script will be used.
- Description - a short description of what the script does.
- Folder - you can specify a folder name for the script. The folders will be automatically displayed in the general list of scripts. You can specify any nesting of folders using the / separator. For example, My Folder, Work/Archive.
- Log Level - log level, which is set by default the script is run. The current logging level will be restored after the script ends. For example, if you specify Information, the log will automatically record execution of nested scripts.
- Unrunnable Script - if you check this checkbox, the script cannot be launched. In this case it can only be called from other scripts.