File Info
The File Info command retrieves information about the specified file.

File Name
Specify the full or relative path to the file you want to get information about.
Variable Name
Specify the variable name where the full file name will be written. In addition, variables with the following suffixes will be created:
- .exist - equals true, if the file exists and false, otherwise.
- .isdir - equals true if the specified file is a directory. Otherwise, it equals false.
- .size - file size.
- .time - time of last modification of the file in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format.
- .stime - time of last modification of the file in YYYYMMDDHHmmss format.
For example, if you have specified the variable name fi, then for the file myfile.txt the variables with values similar to the following will be created:
1fi = "/home/user/temp/myfile.txt" 2fi.size = "4523" 3fi.exist = "true" 4fi.isdir = "false" 5fi.time = "2020-09-16 11:20:34"