If Statement
The If Statement command executes nested commands only if the specified conditions are met. To do this, you must specify the conditions to be checked and insert scripts inside it that must be executed when the specified conditions are true.

- Else Variable
This variable is used to define consecutive calls of conditional statements.
1if condition ... 2else if condition2 ... 3else if condition3 ... 4else...
To implement the above example, you need to create 4 If Statement with the same Else variable. If at least one of the condition commands is met, the rest of the commands will be skipped. If none of the conditions are met, then the last command will be executed, for which no conditions need to be specified.
You can specify one or more conditions.
Variable name
Specify the name of the variable whose value will be used in the comparison. You can also specify fields and indexes of object variables or string values.
1varname 2myobj.param 3list[#item#] 4This is #param#
Negation of Condition
Click this checkbox when you want to negate the condition ( true => false, false => true).
Comparison type
Select the comparison operation.
- Equal. Check if the variable is equal to the specified value. If the value is not specified, the result will be true, if the variable is not defined, equal to an empty string, zero or "false".
- Contains. Returns true if the variable contains the specified substring.
- File/Dir Exists. If the value of the variable is an existing file or directory, then the result is true. Otherwise, false will be returned. If the Variable Name is not specified, then the parameter Value will be checked.
- Environment Exists. Returns true if the environment variable exists. Otherwise, it returns false. The name of the environment variable is taken from the variable value. You can also leave the Variable Name field empty and specify the environment variable in the Value field.
- RegEx Match. Check if the value of the variable matches the regular expression. Specify the regular expression in the Value field.
- Starts With. Returns true if the variable starts with the specified string.
The value to compare the variable with.
Next Condition
You can specify a combination of two conditions.
- AND - this and the next condition must be true.
- OR - At least one of the two conditions must be true.
This field is not considered in the last condition. In the case of AND the checking of conditions stops when there is a false condition, in the case of OR the conditions are not checked after the true condition. You can combine both options. In this case, the OR operation has higher priority.
1A1 AND A2 AND A3 OR A4 AND A5 => A1 AND A2 AND (A3 OR A4) AND A5
If and Else
Let's take a closer look at how to execute a set of commands if our conditions turned out to be false. You can define one more command with the negation of our conditions, but in this case, these same conditions will be checked again, regardless of the result of the first conditional construction. To solve this problem, we must define Else Variable in the main conditional and then add another If Statement with the same Else Variable. You don't need to specify any conditions in it. In this case, all its commands are executed only when the conditions in the previous command with the same Else Variable have not been met.
The result of the script