SQL Exec
Command SQL Exec executes SQL statements.

SQL Connection
Provide a variable name with the SQL connection identifier. This variable must be defined in the SQL Connection command.
SQL Statements
Specify the SQL statements to be executed. If you want to specify several SQL statements, separate them with comments starting with # or --.
1DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#dbtable#`; 2-- comment 3CREATE TABLE #dbtable# ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, 4 name VARCHAR(255), count INT, flag BOOLEAN);
It is recommended to use parameters when using values in a SQL query. If you have more than one SQL query specified, the parameters will be applied to the last SQL query.
For example, you need to add two parameters when using any of these queries. You can use variable substitution #varname# in parameters.
1INSERT INTO `#dbtable#` (name, count, flag) VALUES(?, ?, TRUE); # mysql 2INSERT INTO "#dbtable#" (id, name, count, flag) VALUES(1, $1, $2, TRUE); # postgresql
1#name# (#id#) 2#icount#