SMTP Server
The SMTP server command saves the specified settings for connecting to the SMTP server into a variable. Further, the name of this variable should be specified in the Send Email command.

Specify the host of the SMTP server you want to use to send the e-mail. 2localhost 3192.168.0.110
Specify the port to connect to the SMTP server. If not specified, 465 port will be used for SSL connection and 25 in other cases.
Connection Security
Specify the type of connection.
- None - unsecured connection.
- SSL/TSL - secure connection.
User name
Provide a username to connect to the server. As a rule, it is the same as an email.
Password to connect to the server. For security reasons, do not specify it explicitly.
Result Variable
Specify the name of the variable to store the SMTP settings.